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:heavy_check_mark: Incremental Bridge Connectivity


辺の追加クエリのみ存在するとき, 二重辺連結成分を効率的に管理するデータ構造.



ならし $O(n \log n)$


Incremental Bridge-Connectivity - data-structures

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#pragma once

#include "../../structure/union-find/union-find.hpp"

struct IncrementalBridgeConnectivity {
  UnionFind cc, bcc;
  vector< int > bbf;
  size_t bridge;

  int size() {
    return bbf.size();

  int par(int x) {
    return bbf[x] == size() ? size() : bcc.find(bbf[x]);

  int lca(int x, int y) {
    unordered_set< int > used;
    for(;;) {
      if(x != size()) {
        if(!used.insert(x).second) return x;
        x = par(x);
      swap(x, y);

  void compress(int x, int y) {
    while(bcc.find(x) != bcc.find(y)) {
      int nxt = par(x);
      bbf[x] = bbf[y];
      bcc.unite(x, y);
      x = nxt;

  void link(int x, int y) {
    int v = x, pre = y;
    while(v != size()) {
      int nxt = par(v);
      bbf[v] = pre;
      pre = v;
      v = nxt;

  IncrementalBridgeConnectivity() = default;

  explicit IncrementalBridgeConnectivity(int sz) : cc(sz), bcc(sz), bbf(sz, sz), bridge(0) {}

  int find(int k) {
    return bcc.find(k);

  size_t bridge_size() const {
    return bridge;

  void add_edge(int x, int y) {
    x = bcc.find(x);
    y = bcc.find(y);
    if(cc.find(x) == cc.find(y)) {
      int w = lca(x, y);
      compress(x, w);
      compress(y, w);
    } else {
      if(cc.size(x) > cc.size(y)) swap(x, y);
      link(x, y);
      cc.unite(x, y);
#line 2 "graph/connected-components/incremental-bridge-connectivity.hpp"

#line 2 "structure/union-find/union-find.hpp"

struct UnionFind {
  vector< int > data;

  UnionFind() = default;

  explicit UnionFind(size_t sz) : data(sz, -1) {}

  bool unite(int x, int y) {
    x = find(x), y = find(y);
    if(x == y) return false;
    if(data[x] > data[y]) swap(x, y);
    data[x] += data[y];
    data[y] = x;
    return true;

  int find(int k) {
    if(data[k] < 0) return (k);
    return data[k] = find(data[k]);

  int size(int k) {
    return -data[find(k)];

  bool same(int x, int y) {
    return find(x) == find(y);

  vector< vector< int > > groups() {
    int n = (int) data.size();
    vector< vector< int > > ret(n);
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    ret.erase(remove_if(begin(ret), end(ret), [&](const vector< int > &v) {
      return v.empty();
    }), end(ret));
    return ret;
#line 4 "graph/connected-components/incremental-bridge-connectivity.hpp"

struct IncrementalBridgeConnectivity {
  UnionFind cc, bcc;
  vector< int > bbf;
  size_t bridge;

  int size() {
    return bbf.size();

  int par(int x) {
    return bbf[x] == size() ? size() : bcc.find(bbf[x]);

  int lca(int x, int y) {
    unordered_set< int > used;
    for(;;) {
      if(x != size()) {
        if(!used.insert(x).second) return x;
        x = par(x);
      swap(x, y);

  void compress(int x, int y) {
    while(bcc.find(x) != bcc.find(y)) {
      int nxt = par(x);
      bbf[x] = bbf[y];
      bcc.unite(x, y);
      x = nxt;

  void link(int x, int y) {
    int v = x, pre = y;
    while(v != size()) {
      int nxt = par(v);
      bbf[v] = pre;
      pre = v;
      v = nxt;

  IncrementalBridgeConnectivity() = default;

  explicit IncrementalBridgeConnectivity(int sz) : cc(sz), bcc(sz), bbf(sz, sz), bridge(0) {}

  int find(int k) {
    return bcc.find(k);

  size_t bridge_size() const {
    return bridge;

  void add_edge(int x, int y) {
    x = bcc.find(x);
    y = bcc.find(y);
    if(cc.find(x) == cc.find(y)) {
      int w = lca(x, y);
      compress(x, w);
      compress(y, w);
    } else {
      if(cc.size(x) > cc.size(y)) swap(x, y);
      link(x, y);
      cc.unite(x, y);
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