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:heavy_check_mark: Dinic Capacity Scaling(最大流) (graph/flow/dinic-capacity-scaling.hpp)



すべての辺の容量が整数の場合, スケーリングを用いて Dinic の計算量を $O(EV \log U)$ に落とすことが出来る($U$ は辺の容量の最大値).

具体的には, フローを残余グラフ上で $k$ が大きい方から $2^k$ 単位で流すようにする.



$O(EV \log U)$

$U$ は辺の容量の最大値

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 * @brief Dinic Capacity Scaling(最大流)
template< typename flow_t >
struct DinicCapacityScaling {
  static_assert(is_integral< flow_t >::value, "template parameter flow_t must be integral type");

  const flow_t INF;

  struct edge {
    int to;
    flow_t cap;
    int rev;
    bool isrev;
    int idx;

  vector< vector< edge > > graph;
  vector< int > min_cost, iter;
  flow_t max_cap;

  explicit DinicCapacityScaling(int V) : INF(numeric_limits< flow_t >::max()), graph(V), max_cap(0) {}

  void add_edge(int from, int to, flow_t cap, int idx = -1) {
    max_cap = max(max_cap, cap);
    graph[from].emplace_back((edge) {to, cap, (int) graph[to].size(), false, idx});
    graph[to].emplace_back((edge) {from, 0, (int) graph[from].size() - 1, true, idx});

  bool build_augment_path(int s, int t, const flow_t &base) {
    min_cost.assign(graph.size(), -1);
    queue< int > que;
    min_cost[s] = 0;
    while(!que.empty() && min_cost[t] == -1) {
      int p = que.front();
      for(auto &e : graph[p]) {
        if(e.cap >= base && min_cost[] == -1) {
          min_cost[] = min_cost[p] + 1;
    return min_cost[t] != -1;

  flow_t find_augment_path(int idx, const int t, flow_t base, flow_t flow) {
    if(idx == t) return flow;
    flow_t sum = 0;
    for(int &i = iter[idx]; i < (int)graph[idx].size(); i++) {
      edge &e = graph[idx][i];
      if(e.cap >= base && min_cost[idx] < min_cost[]) {
        flow_t d = find_augment_path(, t, base, min(flow - sum, e.cap));
        if(d > 0) {
          e.cap -= d;
          graph[][e.rev].cap += d;
          sum += d;
          if(flow - sum < base) break;
    return sum;

  flow_t max_flow(int s, int t) {
    if(max_cap == flow_t(0)) return flow_t(0);
    flow_t flow = 0;
    for(int i = 63 - __builtin_clzll(max_cap); i >= 0; i--) {
      flow_t now = flow_t(1) << i;
      while(build_augment_path(s, t, now)) {
        iter.assign(graph.size(), 0);
        flow += find_augment_path(s, t, now, INF);
    return flow;

  void output() {
    for(int i = 0; i < graph.size(); i++) {
      for(auto &e : graph[i]) {
        if(e.isrev) continue;
        auto &rev_e = graph[][e.rev];
        cout << i << "->" << << " (flow: " << rev_e.cap << "/" << e.cap + rev_e.cap << ")" << endl;
#line 1 "graph/flow/dinic-capacity-scaling.hpp"
 * @brief Dinic Capacity Scaling(最大流)
template< typename flow_t >
struct DinicCapacityScaling {
  static_assert(is_integral< flow_t >::value, "template parameter flow_t must be integral type");

  const flow_t INF;

  struct edge {
    int to;
    flow_t cap;
    int rev;
    bool isrev;
    int idx;

  vector< vector< edge > > graph;
  vector< int > min_cost, iter;
  flow_t max_cap;

  explicit DinicCapacityScaling(int V) : INF(numeric_limits< flow_t >::max()), graph(V), max_cap(0) {}

  void add_edge(int from, int to, flow_t cap, int idx = -1) {
    max_cap = max(max_cap, cap);
    graph[from].emplace_back((edge) {to, cap, (int) graph[to].size(), false, idx});
    graph[to].emplace_back((edge) {from, 0, (int) graph[from].size() - 1, true, idx});

  bool build_augment_path(int s, int t, const flow_t &base) {
    min_cost.assign(graph.size(), -1);
    queue< int > que;
    min_cost[s] = 0;
    while(!que.empty() && min_cost[t] == -1) {
      int p = que.front();
      for(auto &e : graph[p]) {
        if(e.cap >= base && min_cost[] == -1) {
          min_cost[] = min_cost[p] + 1;
    return min_cost[t] != -1;

  flow_t find_augment_path(int idx, const int t, flow_t base, flow_t flow) {
    if(idx == t) return flow;
    flow_t sum = 0;
    for(int &i = iter[idx]; i < (int)graph[idx].size(); i++) {
      edge &e = graph[idx][i];
      if(e.cap >= base && min_cost[idx] < min_cost[]) {
        flow_t d = find_augment_path(, t, base, min(flow - sum, e.cap));
        if(d > 0) {
          e.cap -= d;
          graph[][e.rev].cap += d;
          sum += d;
          if(flow - sum < base) break;
    return sum;

  flow_t max_flow(int s, int t) {
    if(max_cap == flow_t(0)) return flow_t(0);
    flow_t flow = 0;
    for(int i = 63 - __builtin_clzll(max_cap); i >= 0; i--) {
      flow_t now = flow_t(1) << i;
      while(build_augment_path(s, t, now)) {
        iter.assign(graph.size(), 0);
        flow += find_augment_path(s, t, now, INF);
    return flow;

  void output() {
    for(int i = 0; i < graph.size(); i++) {
      for(auto &e : graph[i]) {
        if(e.isrev) continue;
        auto &rev_e = graph[][e.rev];
        cout << i << "->" << << " (flow: " << rev_e.cap << "/" << e.cap + rev_e.cap << ")" << endl;
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