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:heavy_check_mark: graph/tree/rerooting.hpp

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template< typename sum_t, typename key_t >
struct ReRooting {
  struct Edge {
    int to;
    key_t data;
    sum_t dp, ndp;

  using F = function< sum_t(sum_t, sum_t) >;
  using G = function< sum_t(sum_t, key_t) >;

  vector< vector< Edge > > g;
  const F f;
  const G gg;
  const sum_t ident;
  vector< sum_t > subdp, dp;

  ReRooting(int V, const F f, const G g, const sum_t &ident)
      : g(V), f(f), gg(g), ident(ident), subdp(V, ident), dp(V, ident) {}

  void add_edge(int u, int v, const key_t &d) {
    g[u].emplace_back((Edge) {v, d, ident, ident});
    g[v].emplace_back((Edge) {u, d, ident, ident});

  void add_edge_bi(int u, int v, const key_t &d, const key_t &e) {
    g[u].emplace_back((Edge) {v, d, ident, ident});
    g[v].emplace_back((Edge) {u, e, ident, ident});

  void dfs_sub(int idx, int par) {
    for(auto &e : g[idx]) {
      if( == par) continue;
      dfs_sub(, idx);
      subdp[idx] = f(subdp[idx], gg(subdp[],;

  void dfs_all(int idx, int par, const sum_t &top) {
    sum_t buff{ident};
    for(int i = 0; i < (int) g[idx].size(); i++) {
      auto &e = g[idx][i];
      e.ndp = buff;
      e.dp = gg(par == ? top : subdp[],;
      buff = f(buff, e.dp);
    dp[idx] = buff;
    buff = ident;
    for(int i = (int) g[idx].size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      auto &e = g[idx][i];
      if( != par) dfs_all(, idx, f(e.ndp, buff));
      e.ndp = f(e.ndp, buff);
      buff = f(buff, e.dp);

  vector< sum_t > build() {
    dfs_sub(0, -1);
    dfs_all(0, -1, ident);
    return dp;
#line 1 "graph/tree/rerooting.hpp"
template< typename sum_t, typename key_t >
struct ReRooting {
  struct Edge {
    int to;
    key_t data;
    sum_t dp, ndp;

  using F = function< sum_t(sum_t, sum_t) >;
  using G = function< sum_t(sum_t, key_t) >;

  vector< vector< Edge > > g;
  const F f;
  const G gg;
  const sum_t ident;
  vector< sum_t > subdp, dp;

  ReRooting(int V, const F f, const G g, const sum_t &ident)
      : g(V), f(f), gg(g), ident(ident), subdp(V, ident), dp(V, ident) {}

  void add_edge(int u, int v, const key_t &d) {
    g[u].emplace_back((Edge) {v, d, ident, ident});
    g[v].emplace_back((Edge) {u, d, ident, ident});

  void add_edge_bi(int u, int v, const key_t &d, const key_t &e) {
    g[u].emplace_back((Edge) {v, d, ident, ident});
    g[v].emplace_back((Edge) {u, e, ident, ident});

  void dfs_sub(int idx, int par) {
    for(auto &e : g[idx]) {
      if( == par) continue;
      dfs_sub(, idx);
      subdp[idx] = f(subdp[idx], gg(subdp[],;

  void dfs_all(int idx, int par, const sum_t &top) {
    sum_t buff{ident};
    for(int i = 0; i < (int) g[idx].size(); i++) {
      auto &e = g[idx][i];
      e.ndp = buff;
      e.dp = gg(par == ? top : subdp[],;
      buff = f(buff, e.dp);
    dp[idx] = buff;
    buff = ident;
    for(int i = (int) g[idx].size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      auto &e = g[idx][i];
      if( != par) dfs_all(, idx, f(e.ndp, buff));
      e.ndp = f(e.ndp, buff);
      buff = f(buff, e.dp);

  vector< sum_t > build() {
    dfs_sub(0, -1);
    dfs_all(0, -1, ident);
    return dp;
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