Luzhiled's Library

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:warning: other/compress.hpp


template <typename T>
struct Compress {
  vector<T> xs;

  Compress() = default;

  Compress(const vector<T> &vs) { add(vs); }

  Compress(const initializer_list<vector<T> > &vs) {
    for (auto &p : vs) add(p);

  void add(const vector<T> &vs) { copy(begin(vs), end(vs), back_inserter(xs)); }

  void add(const T &x) { xs.emplace_back(x); }

  void build() {
    sort(begin(xs), end(xs));
    xs.erase(unique(begin(xs), end(xs)), end(xs));

  vector<int> get(const vector<T> &vs) const {
    vector<int> ret;
    transform(begin(vs), end(vs), back_inserter(ret), [&](const T &x) {
      return lower_bound(begin(xs), end(xs), x) - begin(xs);
    return ret;

  int get(const T &x) const {
    return lower_bound(begin(xs), end(xs), x) - begin(xs);

  const T &operator[](int k) const { return xs[k]; }
#line 1 "other/compress.hpp"
template <typename T>
struct Compress {
  vector<T> xs;

  Compress() = default;

  Compress(const vector<T> &vs) { add(vs); }

  Compress(const initializer_list<vector<T> > &vs) {
    for (auto &p : vs) add(p);

  void add(const vector<T> &vs) { copy(begin(vs), end(vs), back_inserter(xs)); }

  void add(const T &x) { xs.emplace_back(x); }

  void build() {
    sort(begin(xs), end(xs));
    xs.erase(unique(begin(xs), end(xs)), end(xs));

  vector<int> get(const vector<T> &vs) const {
    vector<int> ret;
    transform(begin(vs), end(vs), back_inserter(ret), [&](const T &x) {
      return lower_bound(begin(xs), end(xs), x) - begin(xs);
    return ret;

  int get(const T &x) const {
    return lower_bound(begin(xs), end(xs), x) - begin(xs);

  const T &operator[](int k) const { return xs[k]; }
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