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:warning: Generalized-Slope-Trick


区分線形凸関数 $f(x)$ を効率的に扱うためのデータ構造。

$f(x)$ の傾きが変化する点を平衡二分探索木に持つことで, 特定の操作を簡潔に行うことが可能となる。傾きを $1$ ずつ変化する場合は優先度付きキューを用いていたが, 平衡二分探索木を用いることで一般の傾きの操作ができるようになる(未実装)。

平衡二分探索木には Splay Tree を用いている。





 * @brief Generalized-Slope-Trick
 * @docs docs/
 * @see
template< typename T >
struct LazySplayTree {

  struct Node {
    Node *l, *r, *p;
    T key, sum;
    size_t sz;
    T add;

    bool is_root() const {
      return !p || (p->l != this && p->r != this);

    Node(const T &key, const T &add) :
        key(key), sum(key), sz(1), add(add), l(nullptr), r(nullptr), p(nullptr) {}

  LazySplayTree() = default;

  inline size_t count(const Node *t) { return t ? t->sz : 0; }

  Node *alloc(const T &key, const T &add = T()) {
    return new Node(key, add);

  void splay(Node *t) {
    while(!t->is_root()) {
      auto *q = t->p;
      if(q->is_root()) {
        push(q), push(t);
        if(q->l == t) rotr(t);
        else rotl(t);
      } else {
        auto *r = q->p;
        push(r), push(q), push(t);
        if(r->l == q) {
          if(q->l == t) rotr(q), rotr(t);
          else rotl(t), rotr(t);
        } else {
          if(q->r == t) rotl(q), rotl(t);
          else rotr(t), rotl(t);

  Node *erase(Node *t) {
    Node *x = t->l, *y = t->r;
    delete t;
    if(!x) {
      t = y;
      if(t) t->p = nullptr;
    } else if(!y) {
      t = x;
      t->p = nullptr;
    } else {
      x->p = nullptr;
      t = get_right(x);
      t->r = y;
      y->p = t;
    return t;

  Node *get_left(Node *t) const {
    while(t->l) t = t->l;
    return t;

  Node *get_right(Node *t) const {
    while(t->r) t = t->r;
    return t;

  void set_propagate(Node *t, const T &add) {
    propagate(t, add);

  pair< Node *, Node * > split(Node *t, int k) {
    if(!t) return {nullptr, nullptr};
    if(k <= count(t->l)) {
      auto x = split(t->l, k);
      t->l = x.second;
      t->p = nullptr;
      if(x.second) x.second->p = t;
      return {x.first, update(t)};
    } else {
      auto x = split(t->r, k - count(t->l) - 1);
      t->r = x.first;
      t->p = nullptr;
      if(x.first) x.first->p = t;
      return {update(t), x.second};

  tuple< Node *, Node *, Node * > split3(Node *t, int a, int b) {
    auto x = split(t, a);
    auto y = split(x.second, b - a);
    return make_tuple(x.first, y.first, y.second);

  pair< Node *, Node * > split_lower_bound(Node *t, const T &key) {
    if(!t) return {nullptr, nullptr};
    if(key <= t->key) {
      auto x = split_lower_bound(t->l, key);
      t->l = x.second;
      t->p = nullptr;
      if(x.second) x.second->p = t;
      return {x.first, update(t)};
    } else {
      auto x = split_lower_bound(t->r, key);
      t->r = x.first;
      t->p = nullptr;
      if(x.first) x.first->p = t;
      return {update(t), x.second};

  Node *merge_wuh(Node *t1, Node *t2) {
    if(!t1 and !t2) return nullptr;
    if(!t1) return splay(t2), t2;
    if(!t2) return splay(t1), t1;
    splay(t1), splay(t2);
    if(count(t1) < count(t2)) swap(t1, t2);
    auto[t2l, v, t2r] = split3(t2, count(t2) / 2, count(t2) / 2 + 1);
    auto[t1l, t1r] = split_lower_bound(t1, v->key);
    return merge(merge_wuh(t1l, t2l), v, merge_wuh(t1r, t2r));

  template< typename ... Args >
  Node *merge(Node *l, Args {
    Node *r = merge(rest...);
    if(!l && !r) return nullptr;
    if(!l) return splay(r), r;
    if(!r) return splay(l), l;
    splay(l), splay(r);
    l = get_right(l);
    l->r = r;
    r->p = l;
    return l;

  Node *insert_lower_bound(Node *t, const T &v) {
    if(t) {
      auto x = split_lower_bound(t, v);
      return merge(merge(x.first, alloc(v)), x.second);
    } else {
      return alloc(v);

  Node *update(Node *t) {
    t->sz = 1;
    t->sum = t->key;
    if(t->l) t->sz += t->l->sz, t->sum += t->l->sum;
    if(t->r) t->sz += t->r->sz, t->sum += t->r->sum;
    return t;

  void propagate(Node *t, const T &x) {
    t->add += x;
    t->sum += count(t) * x;
    t->key += x;

  void push(Node *t) {
    if(t->add) {
      if(t->l) propagate(t->l, t->add);
      if(t->r) propagate(t->r, t->add);
      t->add = 0;

  void rotr(Node *t) {
    auto *x = t->p, *y = x->p;
    if((x->l = t->r)) t->r->p = x;
    t->r = x, x->p = t;
    update(x), update(t);
    if((t->p = y)) {
      if(y->l == x) y->l = t;
      if(y->r == x) y->r = t;

  void rotl(Node *t) {
    auto *x = t->p, *y = x->p;
    if((x->r = t->l)) t->l->p = x;
    t->l = x, x->p = t;
    update(x), update(t);
    if((t->p = y)) {
      if(y->l == x) y->l = t;
      if(y->r == x) y->r = t;

  Node *merge(Node *l) {
    return l;

template< typename T >
struct GeneralizedSlopeTrick {

  const T INF = numeric_limits< T >::max() / 3;

  T min_f;
  LazySplayTree< T > st;
  typename LazySplayTree< T >::Node *L, *R;
  void push_R(const T &a) {
    R = st.insert_lower_bound(R, a);

  T top_R() {
    if(R) {
      st.splay(R = st.get_left(R));
      return R->key;
    } else {
      return INF;

  T pop_R() {
    T val = top_R();
    if(R) R = st.erase(R);
    return val;

  void push_L(const T &a) {
    L = st.insert_lower_bound(L, a);

  T top_L() {
    if(L) {
      st.splay(L = st.get_right(L));
      return L->key;
    } else {
      return -INF;


  T pop_L() {
    T val = top_L();
    if(L) L = st.erase(L);
    return val;

  size_t size() {
    return st.count(L) + st.count(R);

   GeneralizedSlopeTrick() : min_f(0), L(nullptr), R(nullptr) {}

  struct Query {
    T lx, rx, min_f;

  // return min f(x)
  Query query() {
    return (Query) {top_L(), top_R(), min_f};

  // f(x) += a
  void add_all(const T &a) {
    min_f += a;

  // add \_
  // f(x) += max(a - x, 0)
  void add_a_minus_x(const T &a) {
    min_f += max(T(0), a - top_R());

  // add _/
  // f(x) += max(x - a, 0)
  void add_x_minus_a(const T &a) {
    min_f += max(T(0), top_L() - a);

  // add \/
  // f(x) += abs(x - a)
  void add_abs(const T &a) {

  // \/ -> \_
  // f_{new} (x) = min f(y) (y <= x)
  void clear_right() {
    R = nullptr;

  // \/ -> _/
  // f_{new} (x) = min f(y) (y >= x)
  void clear_left() {
    L = nullptr;

  // \/ -> \_/
  // f_{new} (x) = min f(y) (x-b <= y <= x-a)
  void shift(const T &a, const T &b) {
    assert(a <= b);
    if(L) st.set_propagate(L, a);
    if(R) st.set_propagate(R, b);

  // \/. -> .\/
  // f_{new} (x) = f(x - a)
  void shift(const T &a) {
    shift(a, a);

  // return f(x) L, R を破壊する
  T get(const T &x) {
    T ret = min_f;
      auto[l, r] = st.split_lower_bound(L, x);
      if(r) {
        ret += r->sum;
        ret -= x * (T) st.count(r);
      L = st.merge(l, r);
      auto[l, r] = st.split_lower_bound(R, x);
      if(l) {
        ret += x * (T) st.count(r);
        ret -= l->sum;
      R = st.merge(l, r);
    return ret;

  // f(x) += g(x)
  void merge(GeneralizedSlopeTrick &g) {
    L = st.merge_wuh(L, g.L);
    R = st.merge_wuh(R, g.R);
    min_f += g.min_f;
#line 1 "structure/others/generalized-slope-trick.hpp"
 * @brief Generalized-Slope-Trick
 * @docs docs/
 * @see
template< typename T >
struct LazySplayTree {

  struct Node {
    Node *l, *r, *p;
    T key, sum;
    size_t sz;
    T add;

    bool is_root() const {
      return !p || (p->l != this && p->r != this);

    Node(const T &key, const T &add) :
        key(key), sum(key), sz(1), add(add), l(nullptr), r(nullptr), p(nullptr) {}

  LazySplayTree() = default;

  inline size_t count(const Node *t) { return t ? t->sz : 0; }

  Node *alloc(const T &key, const T &add = T()) {
    return new Node(key, add);

  void splay(Node *t) {
    while(!t->is_root()) {
      auto *q = t->p;
      if(q->is_root()) {
        push(q), push(t);
        if(q->l == t) rotr(t);
        else rotl(t);
      } else {
        auto *r = q->p;
        push(r), push(q), push(t);
        if(r->l == q) {
          if(q->l == t) rotr(q), rotr(t);
          else rotl(t), rotr(t);
        } else {
          if(q->r == t) rotl(q), rotl(t);
          else rotr(t), rotl(t);

  Node *erase(Node *t) {
    Node *x = t->l, *y = t->r;
    delete t;
    if(!x) {
      t = y;
      if(t) t->p = nullptr;
    } else if(!y) {
      t = x;
      t->p = nullptr;
    } else {
      x->p = nullptr;
      t = get_right(x);
      t->r = y;
      y->p = t;
    return t;

  Node *get_left(Node *t) const {
    while(t->l) t = t->l;
    return t;

  Node *get_right(Node *t) const {
    while(t->r) t = t->r;
    return t;

  void set_propagate(Node *t, const T &add) {
    propagate(t, add);

  pair< Node *, Node * > split(Node *t, int k) {
    if(!t) return {nullptr, nullptr};
    if(k <= count(t->l)) {
      auto x = split(t->l, k);
      t->l = x.second;
      t->p = nullptr;
      if(x.second) x.second->p = t;
      return {x.first, update(t)};
    } else {
      auto x = split(t->r, k - count(t->l) - 1);
      t->r = x.first;
      t->p = nullptr;
      if(x.first) x.first->p = t;
      return {update(t), x.second};

  tuple< Node *, Node *, Node * > split3(Node *t, int a, int b) {
    auto x = split(t, a);
    auto y = split(x.second, b - a);
    return make_tuple(x.first, y.first, y.second);

  pair< Node *, Node * > split_lower_bound(Node *t, const T &key) {
    if(!t) return {nullptr, nullptr};
    if(key <= t->key) {
      auto x = split_lower_bound(t->l, key);
      t->l = x.second;
      t->p = nullptr;
      if(x.second) x.second->p = t;
      return {x.first, update(t)};
    } else {
      auto x = split_lower_bound(t->r, key);
      t->r = x.first;
      t->p = nullptr;
      if(x.first) x.first->p = t;
      return {update(t), x.second};

  Node *merge_wuh(Node *t1, Node *t2) {
    if(!t1 and !t2) return nullptr;
    if(!t1) return splay(t2), t2;
    if(!t2) return splay(t1), t1;
    splay(t1), splay(t2);
    if(count(t1) < count(t2)) swap(t1, t2);
    auto[t2l, v, t2r] = split3(t2, count(t2) / 2, count(t2) / 2 + 1);
    auto[t1l, t1r] = split_lower_bound(t1, v->key);
    return merge(merge_wuh(t1l, t2l), v, merge_wuh(t1r, t2r));

  template< typename ... Args >
  Node *merge(Node *l, Args {
    Node *r = merge(rest...);
    if(!l && !r) return nullptr;
    if(!l) return splay(r), r;
    if(!r) return splay(l), l;
    splay(l), splay(r);
    l = get_right(l);
    l->r = r;
    r->p = l;
    return l;

  Node *insert_lower_bound(Node *t, const T &v) {
    if(t) {
      auto x = split_lower_bound(t, v);
      return merge(merge(x.first, alloc(v)), x.second);
    } else {
      return alloc(v);

  Node *update(Node *t) {
    t->sz = 1;
    t->sum = t->key;
    if(t->l) t->sz += t->l->sz, t->sum += t->l->sum;
    if(t->r) t->sz += t->r->sz, t->sum += t->r->sum;
    return t;

  void propagate(Node *t, const T &x) {
    t->add += x;
    t->sum += count(t) * x;
    t->key += x;

  void push(Node *t) {
    if(t->add) {
      if(t->l) propagate(t->l, t->add);
      if(t->r) propagate(t->r, t->add);
      t->add = 0;

  void rotr(Node *t) {
    auto *x = t->p, *y = x->p;
    if((x->l = t->r)) t->r->p = x;
    t->r = x, x->p = t;
    update(x), update(t);
    if((t->p = y)) {
      if(y->l == x) y->l = t;
      if(y->r == x) y->r = t;

  void rotl(Node *t) {
    auto *x = t->p, *y = x->p;
    if((x->r = t->l)) t->l->p = x;
    t->l = x, x->p = t;
    update(x), update(t);
    if((t->p = y)) {
      if(y->l == x) y->l = t;
      if(y->r == x) y->r = t;

  Node *merge(Node *l) {
    return l;

template< typename T >
struct GeneralizedSlopeTrick {

  const T INF = numeric_limits< T >::max() / 3;

  T min_f;
  LazySplayTree< T > st;
  typename LazySplayTree< T >::Node *L, *R;
  void push_R(const T &a) {
    R = st.insert_lower_bound(R, a);

  T top_R() {
    if(R) {
      st.splay(R = st.get_left(R));
      return R->key;
    } else {
      return INF;

  T pop_R() {
    T val = top_R();
    if(R) R = st.erase(R);
    return val;

  void push_L(const T &a) {
    L = st.insert_lower_bound(L, a);

  T top_L() {
    if(L) {
      st.splay(L = st.get_right(L));
      return L->key;
    } else {
      return -INF;


  T pop_L() {
    T val = top_L();
    if(L) L = st.erase(L);
    return val;

  size_t size() {
    return st.count(L) + st.count(R);

   GeneralizedSlopeTrick() : min_f(0), L(nullptr), R(nullptr) {}

  struct Query {
    T lx, rx, min_f;

  // return min f(x)
  Query query() {
    return (Query) {top_L(), top_R(), min_f};

  // f(x) += a
  void add_all(const T &a) {
    min_f += a;

  // add \_
  // f(x) += max(a - x, 0)
  void add_a_minus_x(const T &a) {
    min_f += max(T(0), a - top_R());

  // add _/
  // f(x) += max(x - a, 0)
  void add_x_minus_a(const T &a) {
    min_f += max(T(0), top_L() - a);

  // add \/
  // f(x) += abs(x - a)
  void add_abs(const T &a) {

  // \/ -> \_
  // f_{new} (x) = min f(y) (y <= x)
  void clear_right() {
    R = nullptr;

  // \/ -> _/
  // f_{new} (x) = min f(y) (y >= x)
  void clear_left() {
    L = nullptr;

  // \/ -> \_/
  // f_{new} (x) = min f(y) (x-b <= y <= x-a)
  void shift(const T &a, const T &b) {
    assert(a <= b);
    if(L) st.set_propagate(L, a);
    if(R) st.set_propagate(R, b);

  // \/. -> .\/
  // f_{new} (x) = f(x - a)
  void shift(const T &a) {
    shift(a, a);

  // return f(x) L, R を破壊する
  T get(const T &x) {
    T ret = min_f;
      auto[l, r] = st.split_lower_bound(L, x);
      if(r) {
        ret += r->sum;
        ret -= x * (T) st.count(r);
      L = st.merge(l, r);
      auto[l, r] = st.split_lower_bound(R, x);
      if(l) {
        ret += x * (T) st.count(r);
        ret -= l->sum;
      R = st.merge(l, r);
    return ret;

  // f(x) += g(x)
  void merge(GeneralizedSlopeTrick &g) {
    L = st.merge_wuh(L, g.L);
    R = st.merge_wuh(R, g.R);
    min_f += g.min_f;
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