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:warning: structure/segment-tree/segment-tree-2d-2.hpp


template< typename structure_t, typename get_t, typename update_t >
struct SegmentTree2D {
  using merge_f = function< get_t(get_t, get_t) >;
  using get_t = function< get_t(structure_t &, int) >;
  using range_update_f = function< get_t(structure_t &, int, int, update_t) >;

  int sz;
  vector< structure_t > seg;
  const merge_f &f;
  const get_t &g;
  const range_update_f &h;

  SegmentTree2D(int n, const merge_f &f, const get_t &g, const range_update_f &h) : f(f), g(g), h(h) {
    sz = 1;
    while(sz < n) sz <<= 1;
    seg.resize(2 * sz - 1);

  void update(int a, int b, int lower, int upper, update_t x, int k, int l, int r) {
    if(r <= a || b <= l) {
    } else if(a <= l && r <= b) {
      g(seg[k], lower, upper, x);
    } else {
      update(a, b, lower, upper, x, 2 * k + 1, l, (l + r) >> 1);
      update(a, b, lower, upper, x, 2 * k + 2, (l + r) >> 1, r);

  void update(int a, int b, int l, int r, update_t x) {
    update(a, b, l, r, x, 0, 0, sz);

  get_t get(int x, int y) {
    x += sz - 1;
    get_t ret = g(seg[x], y);
    while(x > 0) {
      x = (x - 1) >> 1;
      ret = f(ret, g(seg[x], y));
#line 1 "structure/segment-tree/segment-tree-2d-2.hpp"
template< typename structure_t, typename get_t, typename update_t >
struct SegmentTree2D {
  using merge_f = function< get_t(get_t, get_t) >;
  using get_t = function< get_t(structure_t &, int) >;
  using range_update_f = function< get_t(structure_t &, int, int, update_t) >;

  int sz;
  vector< structure_t > seg;
  const merge_f &f;
  const get_t &g;
  const range_update_f &h;

  SegmentTree2D(int n, const merge_f &f, const get_t &g, const range_update_f &h) : f(f), g(g), h(h) {
    sz = 1;
    while(sz < n) sz <<= 1;
    seg.resize(2 * sz - 1);

  void update(int a, int b, int lower, int upper, update_t x, int k, int l, int r) {
    if(r <= a || b <= l) {
    } else if(a <= l && r <= b) {
      g(seg[k], lower, upper, x);
    } else {
      update(a, b, lower, upper, x, 2 * k + 1, l, (l + r) >> 1);
      update(a, b, lower, upper, x, 2 * k + 2, (l + r) >> 1, r);

  void update(int a, int b, int l, int r, update_t x) {
    update(a, b, l, r, x, 0, 0, sz);

  get_t get(int x, int y) {
    x += sz - 1;
    get_t ret = g(seg[x], y);
    while(x > 0) {
      x = (x - 1) >> 1;
      ret = f(ret, g(seg[x], y));
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