Luzhiled's Library

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:heavy_check_mark: test/verify/yosupo-dynamic-tree-vertex-set-path-composite-3.test.cpp

Depends on


// competitive-verifier: PROBLEM

#include "../../template/template.hpp"

#include "../../structure/develop/vertex-set-path-composite.hpp"

int main() {
  int N, Q;
  cin >> N >> Q;
  LCT lct;
  vector< LCT::NP > vs(N);
  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    T a, b;
    cin >> a >> b;
    vs[i] = lct.alloc({a, b});
  for(int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
    int a, b;
    cin >> a >> b;
    lct.evert(vs[a]);[a], vs[b]);
  while(Q--) {
    int t;
    cin >> t;
    if(t == 0) {
      int u, v, w, x;
      cin >> u >> v >> w >> x;
      lct.evert(vs[w]);[w], vs[x]);
    } else if(t == 1) {
      int p;
      T c, d;
      cin >> p >> c >> d;
      lct.set_key(vs[p], {c, d});
    } else {
      int u, v;
      T x;
      cin >> u >> v >> x;
      auto info = lct.query_path(vs[u], vs[v]);
      cout << info.a_sum_p * x + info.b_sum_p << "\n";
#line 1 "test/verify/yosupo-dynamic-tree-vertex-set-path-composite-3.test.cpp"
// competitive-verifier: PROBLEM

#line 1 "template/template.hpp"

using namespace std;

using int64 = long long;

const int64 infll = (1LL << 62) - 1;
const int inf = (1 << 30) - 1;

struct IoSetup {
  IoSetup() {
    cout << fixed << setprecision(10);
    cerr << fixed << setprecision(10);
} iosetup;

template< typename T1, typename T2 >
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const pair< T1, T2 >& p) {
  os << p.first << " " << p.second;
  return os;

template< typename T1, typename T2 >
istream &operator>>(istream &is, pair< T1, T2 > &p) {
  is >> p.first >> p.second;
  return is;

template< typename T >
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const vector< T > &v) {
  for(int i = 0; i < (int) v.size(); i++) {
    os << v[i] << (i + 1 != v.size() ? " " : "");
  return os;

template< typename T >
istream &operator>>(istream &is, vector< T > &v) {
  for(T &in : v) is >> in;
  return is;

template< typename T1, typename T2 >
inline bool chmax(T1 &a, T2 b) { return a < b && (a = b, true); }

template< typename T1, typename T2 >
inline bool chmin(T1 &a, T2 b) { return a > b && (a = b, true); }

template< typename T = int64 >
vector< T > make_v(size_t a) {
  return vector< T >(a);

template< typename T, typename... Ts >
auto make_v(size_t a, Ts... ts) {
  return vector< decltype(make_v< T >(ts...)) >(a, make_v< T >(ts...));

template< typename T, typename V >
typename enable_if< is_class< T >::value == 0 >::type fill_v(T &t, const V &v) {
  t = v;

template< typename T, typename V >
typename enable_if< is_class< T >::value != 0 >::type fill_v(T &t, const V &v) {
  for(auto &e : t) fill_v(e, v);

template< typename F >
struct FixPoint : F {
  explicit FixPoint(F &&f) : F(forward< F >(f)) {}

  template< typename... Args >
  decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&... args) const {
    return F::operator()(*this, forward< Args >(args)...);
template< typename F >
inline decltype(auto) MFP(F &&f) {
  return FixPoint< F >{forward< F >(f)};
#line 4 "test/verify/yosupo-dynamic-tree-vertex-set-path-composite-3.test.cpp"

#line 1 "structure/develop/super-link-cut-tree.hpp"
 * @brief 何でもできるLCT
template< typename LInfo, typename Lazy >
struct SplayTree {
  struct Node {
    Node *l, *r, *p;
    LInfo info;
    Lazy lazy, lbuf;

    explicit Node(const LInfo &info) : info(info), l(nullptr), r(nullptr),
                                       p(nullptr), lazy(Lazy()), lbuf(Lazy()) {}

  const LInfo e;

  SplayTree() : e(LInfo()) {}

  using NP = Node *;

  void rotr(NP t) {
    NP x = t->p, y = x->p;
    push(x), push(t);
    if((x->l = t->r)) t->r->p = x;
    t->r = x, x->p = t;
    update(x), update(t);
    if((t->p = y)) {
      if(y->l == x) y->l = t;
      if(y->r == x) y->r = t;

  void rotl(NP t) {
    NP x = t->p, y = x->p;
    push(x), push(t);
    if((x->r = t->l)) t->l->p = x;
    t->l = x, x->p = t;
    update(x), update(t);
    if((t->p = y)) {
      if(y->l == x) y->l = t;
      if(y->r == x) y->r = t;

  const LInfo &get_info(NP t) {
    return t ? t->info : e;

  void update(NP t) {
    t->info.update(get_info(t->l), get_info(t->r));

  NP get_right(NP t) {
    while(t->r) t = t->r;
    return t;

  NP alloc(const LInfo &v) {
    auto t = new Node(v);
    return t;

  void propagate(NP t, const Lazy &lazy) {

  void push(NP t) {
    if(t->l) propagate(t->l, t->lazy);
    if(t->r) propagate(t->r, t->lazy);
    t->lazy = Lazy();

  void splay(NP t) {
    while(t->p) {
      NP q = t->p;
      if(!q->p) {
        if(q->l == t) rotr(t);
        else rotl(t);
      } else {
        NP r = q->p;
        if(r->l == q) {
          if(q->l == t) rotr(q), rotr(t);
          else rotl(t), rotr(t);
        } else {
          if(q->r == t) rotl(q), rotl(t);
          else rotr(t), rotl(t);

  NP insert(NP t, const LInfo &v) {
    if(not t) {
      t = alloc(v);
      return t;
    } else {
      NP cur = get_right(t), z = alloc(v);
      z->p = cur;
      cur->r = z;
      return z;

  NP erase(NP t) {
    NP x = t->l, y = t->r;
    delete t;
    if(not x) {
      t = y;
      if(t) t->p = nullptr;
    } else if(not y) {
      t = x;
      t->p = nullptr;
    } else {
      x->p = nullptr;
      t = get_right(x);
      t->r = y;
      y->p = t;
    return t;

template< template< typename, typename > typename _Info,
    template< typename > typename _LInfo, typename Lazy >
struct SuperLinkCutTree {
  using LInfo = _LInfo< Lazy >;
  using Info = _Info< LInfo, Lazy >;

  struct Node {
    Node *l, *r, *p;
    Info info;
    typename SplayTree< LInfo, Lazy >::Node *light, *belong;
    bool rev;
    Lazy hlazy, llazy;

    bool is_root() const {
      return not p or (p->l != this and p->r != this);

    explicit Node(const Info &info)
        : info(info), l(nullptr), r(nullptr), p(nullptr), rev(false),
          light(nullptr), belong(nullptr), hlazy(Lazy()), llazy(Lazy()) {}

  using NP = Node *;
  SplayTree< LInfo, Lazy > splay_tree;

  const Info e;

  void toggle(NP t) {
    swap(t->l, t->r);
    t->rev ^= true;

  void rotr(NP t) {
    NP x = t->p, y = x->p;
    push(x), push(t);
    if((x->l = t->r)) t->r->p = x;
    t->r = x, x->p = t;
    update(x), update(t);
    if((t->p = y)) {
      if(y->l == x) y->l = t;
      if(y->r == x) y->r = t;

  void rotl(NP t) {
    NP x = t->p, y = x->p;
    push(x), push(t);
    if((x->r = t->l)) t->l->p = x;
    t->l = x, x->p = t;
    update(x), update(t);
    if((t->p = y)) {
      if(y->l == x) y->l = t;
      if(y->r == x) y->r = t;

  void propagate_heavy(NP t, const Lazy &hlazy) {

  void propagate_light(NP t, const Lazy &llazy) {

  void propagate_all(NP t, const Lazy &lazy) {
    propagate_heavy(t, lazy);
    propagate_light(t, lazy);

  SuperLinkCutTree() : e{Info()}, splay_tree{} {}

  void push(NP t) {
    if(t->rev) {
      if(t->l) toggle(t->l);
      if(t->r) toggle(t->r);
      t->rev = false;
      if(t->l) {
        propagate_heavy(t->l, t->hlazy);
        propagate_light(t->l, t->llazy);
      if(t->r) {
        propagate_heavy(t->r, t->hlazy);
        propagate_light(t->r, t->llazy);
      if(t->light) {
        splay_tree.propagate(t->light, t->llazy);
      t->hlazy = Lazy();
      t->llazy = Lazy();

  void push_rev(NP t) {
    if(t->rev) {
      if(t->l) toggle(t->l);
      if(t->r) toggle(t->r);
      t->rev = false;

  const Info &get_info(NP t) {
    return t ? t->info : e;

  void update(NP t) {
    t->info.update(get_info(t->l), get_info(t->r), splay_tree.get_info(t->light));

  void splay(NP t) {
      NP rot = t;
      while(not rot->is_root()) rot = rot->p;
      t->belong = rot->belong;
      if(t != rot) rot->belong = nullptr;
    while(not t->is_root()) {
      NP q = t->p;
      if(q->is_root()) {
        push_rev(q), push_rev(t);
        if(q->l == t) rotr(t);
        else rotl(t);
      } else {
        NP r = q->p;
        push_rev(r), push_rev(q), push_rev(t);
        if(r->l == q) {
          if(q->l == t) rotr(q), rotr(t);
          else rotl(t), rotr(t);
        } else {
          if(q->r == t) rotl(q), rotl(t);
          else rotr(t), rotl(t);

  NP expose(NP t) {
    NP rp = nullptr;
    for(NP cur = t; cur; cur = cur->p) {
      if(cur->r) {
        cur->light = splay_tree.insert(cur->light, cur->r->;
        cur->r->belong = cur->light;
      cur->r = rp;
      if(cur->r) {
        propagate_all(cur->r, cur->r->belong->lbuf);
        cur->light = splay_tree.erase(cur->r->belong);
      rp = cur;
    return rp;

  void link(NP child, NP parent) {
    child->p = parent;
    parent->r = child;

  void cut(NP child) {
    NP parent = child->l;
    child->l = nullptr;
    parent->p = nullptr;

  void evert(NP t) {

  NP alloc(const Info &info) {
    NP t = new Node(info);
    return t;

  bool is_connected(NP u, NP v) {
    expose(u), expose(v);
    return u == v or u->p;

  vector< NP > build(vector< Info > &vs) {
    vector< NP > nodes(vs.size());
    for(int i = 0; i < (int) vs.size(); i++) {
      nodes[i] = alloc(vs[i]);
    return nodes;

  NP lca(NP u, NP v) {
    if(not is_connected(u, v)) return nullptr;
    return expose(v);

  void set_key(NP t, const Info &v) {
    t->info = move(v);

  void set_propagate_path(NP t, const Lazy &lazy) {
    propagate_heavy(t, lazy);

  void set_propagate_path(NP u, NP v, const Lazy &lazy) {
    set_propagate_path(v, lazy);

  void set_propagate_all(NP t, const Lazy &lazy) {
    propagate_all(t, lazy);

  void set_propagate_subtree(NP t, const Lazy &lazy) {
    NP l = t->l;
    t->l = nullptr;
    propagate_all(t, lazy);
    t->l = l;

  const Info &query(NP u) {
    return get_info(u);

  const Info &query_path(NP u, NP v) {
    return get_info(v);

  Info query_subtree(NP u) {
    NP l = u->l;
    u->l = nullptr;
    auto ret = u->info;
    u->l = l;
    return ret;

using T = int64_t;
// 遅延伝搬をするための作用素
struct Lazy {

  // 単位元
  Lazy() {}

  // 初期化
  Lazy(T v) {}

  // 遅延伝搬
  void propagate(const Lazy &p) {}

// Light-edge の情報
template< typename Lazy >
struct LInfo {

  // 単位元(キーの値はアクセスしないので未初期化でもよい
  LInfo() {}

  // 初期化
  LInfo(T v) {}

  // l, r は Splay-tree の子 (原理上、各ノード区別はない)
  void update(const LInfo &l, const LInfo &r) {}

  // 部分木への遅延伝搬
  void propagate(const Lazy &p) {}

// Heavy-edge の情報
template< typename LInfo, typename Lazy >
struct Info {

  // 単位元(キーの値はアクセスしないので未初期化でもよい
  Info() {}

  // 初期化
  Info(T v) {}

  // 反転
  void toggle() {}

  // pが親, cがheavy-edgeで結ばれた子, lがそれ以外の子
  void update(const Info &p, const Info &c, const LInfo &l) {}

  // 親と light-edge で繋げる
  LInfo link() const { return LInfo(); }

  // 遅延伝搬
  void propagate(const Lazy &p) {}

  // light-edgeに対する遅延伝搬
  // pathとsubtreeの遅延伝搬が両方ある場合に実装する
  void propagate_light(const Lazy &p) {}

using LCT = SuperLinkCutTree< Info, LInfo, Lazy >;
#line 2 "math/combinatorics/montgomery-mod-int.hpp"

template< uint32_t mod_, bool fast = false >
struct MontgomeryModInt {
  using mint = MontgomeryModInt;
  using i32 = int32_t;
  using i64 = int64_t;
  using u32 = uint32_t;
  using u64 = uint64_t;

  static constexpr u32 get_r() {
    u32 ret = mod_;
    for (i32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) ret *= 2 - mod_ * ret;
    return ret;

  static constexpr u32 r = get_r();

  static constexpr u32 n2 = -u64(mod_) % mod_;

  static_assert(r * mod_ == 1, "invalid, r * mod != 1");
  static_assert(mod_ < (1 << 30), "invalid, mod >= 2 ^ 30");
  static_assert((mod_ & 1) == 1, "invalid, mod % 2 == 0");

  u32 x;

  MontgomeryModInt(): x{} {}

  MontgomeryModInt(const i64 &a)
      : x(reduce(u64(fast ? a : (a % mod() + mod())) * n2)) {}

  static constexpr u32 reduce(const u64 &b) {
    return u32(b >> 32) + mod() - u32((u64(u32(b) * r) * mod()) >> 32);

  mint &operator+=(const mint &p) {
    if (i32(x += p.x - 2 * mod()) < 0) x += 2 * mod();
    return *this;

  mint &operator-=(const mint &p) {
    if (i32(x -= p.x) < 0) x += 2 * mod();
    return *this;

  mint &operator*=(const mint &p) {
    x = reduce(u64(x) * p.x);
    return *this;

  mint &operator/=(const mint &p) {
    *this *= p.inv();
    return *this;

  mint operator-() const { return mint() - *this; }

  mint operator+(const mint &p) const { return mint(*this) += p; }

  mint operator-(const mint &p) const { return mint(*this) -= p; }

  mint operator*(const mint &p) const { return mint(*this) *= p; }

  mint operator/(const mint &p) const { return mint(*this) /= p; }

  bool operator==(const mint &p) const {
    return (x >= mod() ? x - mod() : x) == (p.x >= mod() ? p.x - mod() : p.x);

  bool operator!=(const mint &p) const {
    return (x >= mod() ? x - mod() : x) != (p.x >= mod() ? p.x - mod() : p.x);

  u32 val() const {
    u32 ret = reduce(x);
    return ret >= mod() ? ret - mod() : ret;

  mint pow(u64 n) const {
    mint ret(1), mul(*this);
    while (n > 0) {
      if (n & 1) ret *= mul;
      mul *= mul;
      n >>= 1;
    return ret;

  mint inv() const {
    return pow(mod() - 2);

  friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const mint &p) {
    return os << p.val();

  friend istream &operator>>(istream &is, mint &a) {
    i64 t;
    is >> t;
    a = mint(t);
    return is;

  static constexpr u32 mod() { return mod_; }

template< uint32_t mod >
using modint = MontgomeryModInt< mod >;
using modint998244353 = modint< 998244353 >;
using modint1000000007 = modint< 1000000007 >;
#line 3 "structure/develop/vertex-set-path-composite.hpp"

 * @brief Vertex Set Path Composite
using T = modint998244353;

// 遅延伝搬をするための作用素
struct Lazy {

  // 単位元
  Lazy() {}

  // 初期化
  Lazy(T v) {}

  // 遅延伝搬
  void propagate(const Lazy &p) {}

// Light-edge の情報
template< typename Lazy >
struct LInfo {

  // 単位元(キーの値はアクセスしないので未初期化でもよい
  LInfo() {}

  // 初期化
  LInfo(T v) {}

  // l, r は Splay-tree の子 (原理上、各ノード区別はない)
  void update(const LInfo &l, const LInfo &r) {}

  // 部分木への遅延伝搬
  void propagate(const Lazy &p) {}

// Heavy-edge の情報
template< typename LInfo, typename Lazy >
struct Info {
  T a, b; // ax+b

  T a_sum_p, b_sum_p;
  T a_sum_c, b_sum_c;

  // 単位元(キーの値はアクセスしないので未初期化でもよい
  Info() : a_sum_p{1}, b_sum_p{0}, a_sum_c{1}, b_sum_c{0} {}

  // 初期化
  Info(T a, T b) : a(a), b(b) {}

  // 反転
  void toggle() {
    swap(a_sum_p, a_sum_c);
    swap(b_sum_p, b_sum_c);

  // pが親, cがheavy-edgeで結ばれた子, lがそれ以外の子
  void update(const Info &p, const Info &c, const LInfo &l) {
    a_sum_p = p.a_sum_p * a * c.a_sum_p;
    b_sum_p = (p.b_sum_p * a + b) * c.a_sum_p + c.b_sum_p;

    a_sum_c = c.a_sum_c * a * p.a_sum_c;
    b_sum_c = (c.b_sum_c * a + b) * p.a_sum_c + p.b_sum_c;

  // 親と light-edge で繋げる
  LInfo link() const { return LInfo(); }

  // 遅延伝搬
  void propagate(const Lazy &p) {}

  // light-edgeに対する遅延伝搬
  // pathとsubtreeの遅延伝搬が両方ある場合に実装する
  void propagate_light(const Lazy &p) {}

using LCT = SuperLinkCutTree< Info, LInfo, Lazy >;
#line 6 "test/verify/yosupo-dynamic-tree-vertex-set-path-composite-3.test.cpp"

int main() {
  int N, Q;
  cin >> N >> Q;
  LCT lct;
  vector< LCT::NP > vs(N);
  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    T a, b;
    cin >> a >> b;
    vs[i] = lct.alloc({a, b});
  for(int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
    int a, b;
    cin >> a >> b;
    lct.evert(vs[a]);[a], vs[b]);
  while(Q--) {
    int t;
    cin >> t;
    if(t == 0) {
      int u, v, w, x;
      cin >> u >> v >> w >> x;
      lct.evert(vs[w]);[w], vs[x]);
    } else if(t == 1) {
      int p;
      T c, d;
      cin >> p >> c >> d;
      lct.set_key(vs[p], {c, d});
    } else {
      int u, v;
      T x;
      cin >> u >> v >> x;
      auto info = lct.query_path(vs[u], vs[v]);
      cout << info.a_sum_p * x + info.b_sum_p << "\n";

Test cases

Env Name Status Elapsed Memory
g++ example_00 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
g++ example_01 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
g++ max_random_00 :heavy_check_mark: AC 773 ms 26 MB
g++ max_random_01 :heavy_check_mark: AC 761 ms 27 MB
g++ max_random_02 :heavy_check_mark: AC 779 ms 27 MB
g++ medium_00 :heavy_check_mark: AC 7 ms 4 MB
g++ medium_01 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
g++ medium_02 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
g++ medium_03 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
g++ medium_04 :heavy_check_mark: AC 7 ms 4 MB
g++ random_00 :heavy_check_mark: AC 486 ms 18 MB
g++ random_01 :heavy_check_mark: AC 556 ms 21 MB
g++ random_02 :heavy_check_mark: AC 289 ms 10 MB
g++ random_03 :heavy_check_mark: AC 341 ms 22 MB
g++ random_04 :heavy_check_mark: AC 174 ms 5 MB
g++ small_00 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
g++ small_01 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
g++ small_02 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
g++ small_03 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
g++ small_04 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
clang++ example_00 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
clang++ example_01 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
clang++ max_random_00 :heavy_check_mark: AC 798 ms 27 MB
clang++ max_random_01 :heavy_check_mark: AC 804 ms 27 MB
clang++ max_random_02 :heavy_check_mark: AC 768 ms 27 MB
clang++ medium_00 :heavy_check_mark: AC 7 ms 4 MB
clang++ medium_01 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
clang++ medium_02 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
clang++ medium_03 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
clang++ medium_04 :heavy_check_mark: AC 7 ms 4 MB
clang++ random_00 :heavy_check_mark: AC 511 ms 18 MB
clang++ random_01 :heavy_check_mark: AC 572 ms 21 MB
clang++ random_02 :heavy_check_mark: AC 296 ms 10 MB
clang++ random_03 :heavy_check_mark: AC 348 ms 22 MB
clang++ random_04 :heavy_check_mark: AC 179 ms 6 MB
clang++ small_00 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
clang++ small_01 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
clang++ small_02 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
clang++ small_03 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
clang++ small_04 :heavy_check_mark: AC 6 ms 4 MB
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