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:heavy_check_mark: Heavy-Light-Decomposition(HL分解) (graph/tree/heavy-light-decomposition.hpp)

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#pragma once

#include "../graph-template.hpp"

 * @brief Heavy-Light-Decomposition(HL分解)
 * @see
template <typename T = int>
struct HeavyLightDecomposition : Graph<T> {
  using Graph<T>::Graph;
  using Graph<T>::g;
  vector<int> sz, in, out, head, rev, par, dep;

  void build() {
    sz.assign(g.size(), 0);
    in.assign(g.size(), 0);
    out.assign(g.size(), 0);
    head.assign(g.size(), 0);
    rev.assign(g.size(), 0);
    par.assign(g.size(), 0);
    dep.assign(g.size(), 0);
    dfs_sz(0, -1, 0);
    int t = 0;
    dfs_hld(0, -1, t);

  /* k: 0-indexed */
  int la(int v, int k) {
    while (1) {
      int u = head[v];
      if (in[v] - k >= in[u]) return rev[in[v] - k];
      k -= in[v] - in[u] + 1;
      v = par[u];

  int lca(int u, int v) const {
    for (;; v = par[head[v]]) {
      if (in[u] > in[v]) swap(u, v);
      if (head[u] == head[v]) return u;

  int dist(int u, int v) const { return dep[u] + dep[v] - 2 * dep[lca(u, v)]; }

  template <typename E, typename Q, typename F, typename S>
  E query(int u, int v, const E &ti, const Q &q, const F &f, const S &s,
          bool edge = false) {
    E l = ti, r = ti;
    for (;; v = par[head[v]]) {
      if (in[u] > in[v]) swap(u, v), swap(l, r);
      if (head[u] == head[v]) break;
      l = f(q(in[head[v]], in[v] + 1), l);
    return s(f(q(in[u] + edge, in[v] + 1), l), r);

  template <typename E, typename Q, typename F>
  E query(int u, int v, const E &ti, const Q &q, const F &f,
          bool edge = false) {
    return query(u, v, ti, q, f, f, edge);

  template <typename Q>
  void add(int u, int v, const Q &q, bool edge = false) {
    for (;; v = par[head[v]]) {
      if (in[u] > in[v]) swap(u, v);
      if (head[u] == head[v]) break;
      q(in[head[v]], in[v] + 1);
    q(in[u] + edge, in[v] + 1);

  /* {parent, child} */
  vector<pair<int, int> > compress(vector<int> &remark) {
    auto cmp = [&](int a, int b) { return in[a] < in[b]; };
    sort(begin(remark), end(remark), cmp);
    remark.erase(unique(begin(remark), end(remark)), end(remark));
    int K = (int)remark.size();
    for (int k = 1; k < K; k++)
      remark.emplace_back(lca(remark[k - 1], remark[k]));
    sort(begin(remark), end(remark), cmp);
    remark.erase(unique(begin(remark), end(remark)), end(remark));
    vector<pair<int, int> > es;
    stack<int> st;
    for (auto &k : remark) {
      while (!st.empty() && out[] <= in[k]) st.pop();
      if (!st.empty()) es.emplace_back(, k);
    return es;

  explicit HeavyLightDecomposition(const Graph<T> &g) : Graph<T>(g) {}

  void dfs_sz(int idx, int p, int d) {
    dep[idx] = d;
    par[idx] = p;
    sz[idx] = 1;
    if (g[idx].size() && g[idx][0] == p) swap(g[idx][0], g[idx].back());
    for (auto &to : g[idx]) {
      if (to == p) continue;
      dfs_sz(to, idx, d + 1);
      sz[idx] += sz[to];
      if (sz[g[idx][0]] < sz[to]) swap(g[idx][0], to);

  void dfs_hld(int idx, int p, int &times) {
    in[idx] = times++;
    rev[in[idx]] = idx;
    for (auto &to : g[idx]) {
      if (to == p) continue;
      head[to] = (g[idx][0] == to ? head[idx] : to);
      dfs_hld(to, idx, times);
    out[idx] = times;
#line 2 "graph/tree/heavy-light-decomposition.hpp"

#line 2 "graph/graph-template.hpp"

 * @brief Graph Template(グラフテンプレート)
template <typename T = int>
struct Edge {
  int from, to;
  T cost;
  int idx;

  Edge() = default;

  Edge(int from, int to, T cost = 1, int idx = -1)
      : from(from), to(to), cost(cost), idx(idx) {}

  operator int() const { return to; }

template <typename T = int>
struct Graph {
  vector<vector<Edge<T> > > g;
  int es;

  Graph() = default;

  explicit Graph(int n) : g(n), es(0) {}

  size_t size() const { return g.size(); }

  void add_directed_edge(int from, int to, T cost = 1) {
    g[from].emplace_back(from, to, cost, es++);

  void add_edge(int from, int to, T cost = 1) {
    g[from].emplace_back(from, to, cost, es);
    g[to].emplace_back(to, from, cost, es++);

  void read(int M, int padding = -1, bool weighted = false,
            bool directed = false) {
    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
      int a, b;
      cin >> a >> b;
      a += padding;
      b += padding;
      T c = T(1);
      if (weighted) cin >> c;
      if (directed)
        add_directed_edge(a, b, c);
        add_edge(a, b, c);

  inline vector<Edge<T> > &operator[](const int &k) { return g[k]; }

  inline const vector<Edge<T> > &operator[](const int &k) const { return g[k]; }

template <typename T = int>
using Edges = vector<Edge<T> >;
#line 4 "graph/tree/heavy-light-decomposition.hpp"

 * @brief Heavy-Light-Decomposition(HL分解)
 * @see
template <typename T = int>
struct HeavyLightDecomposition : Graph<T> {
  using Graph<T>::Graph;
  using Graph<T>::g;
  vector<int> sz, in, out, head, rev, par, dep;

  void build() {
    sz.assign(g.size(), 0);
    in.assign(g.size(), 0);
    out.assign(g.size(), 0);
    head.assign(g.size(), 0);
    rev.assign(g.size(), 0);
    par.assign(g.size(), 0);
    dep.assign(g.size(), 0);
    dfs_sz(0, -1, 0);
    int t = 0;
    dfs_hld(0, -1, t);

  /* k: 0-indexed */
  int la(int v, int k) {
    while (1) {
      int u = head[v];
      if (in[v] - k >= in[u]) return rev[in[v] - k];
      k -= in[v] - in[u] + 1;
      v = par[u];

  int lca(int u, int v) const {
    for (;; v = par[head[v]]) {
      if (in[u] > in[v]) swap(u, v);
      if (head[u] == head[v]) return u;

  int dist(int u, int v) const { return dep[u] + dep[v] - 2 * dep[lca(u, v)]; }

  template <typename E, typename Q, typename F, typename S>
  E query(int u, int v, const E &ti, const Q &q, const F &f, const S &s,
          bool edge = false) {
    E l = ti, r = ti;
    for (;; v = par[head[v]]) {
      if (in[u] > in[v]) swap(u, v), swap(l, r);
      if (head[u] == head[v]) break;
      l = f(q(in[head[v]], in[v] + 1), l);
    return s(f(q(in[u] + edge, in[v] + 1), l), r);

  template <typename E, typename Q, typename F>
  E query(int u, int v, const E &ti, const Q &q, const F &f,
          bool edge = false) {
    return query(u, v, ti, q, f, f, edge);

  template <typename Q>
  void add(int u, int v, const Q &q, bool edge = false) {
    for (;; v = par[head[v]]) {
      if (in[u] > in[v]) swap(u, v);
      if (head[u] == head[v]) break;
      q(in[head[v]], in[v] + 1);
    q(in[u] + edge, in[v] + 1);

  /* {parent, child} */
  vector<pair<int, int> > compress(vector<int> &remark) {
    auto cmp = [&](int a, int b) { return in[a] < in[b]; };
    sort(begin(remark), end(remark), cmp);
    remark.erase(unique(begin(remark), end(remark)), end(remark));
    int K = (int)remark.size();
    for (int k = 1; k < K; k++)
      remark.emplace_back(lca(remark[k - 1], remark[k]));
    sort(begin(remark), end(remark), cmp);
    remark.erase(unique(begin(remark), end(remark)), end(remark));
    vector<pair<int, int> > es;
    stack<int> st;
    for (auto &k : remark) {
      while (!st.empty() && out[] <= in[k]) st.pop();
      if (!st.empty()) es.emplace_back(, k);
    return es;

  explicit HeavyLightDecomposition(const Graph<T> &g) : Graph<T>(g) {}

  void dfs_sz(int idx, int p, int d) {
    dep[idx] = d;
    par[idx] = p;
    sz[idx] = 1;
    if (g[idx].size() && g[idx][0] == p) swap(g[idx][0], g[idx].back());
    for (auto &to : g[idx]) {
      if (to == p) continue;
      dfs_sz(to, idx, d + 1);
      sz[idx] += sz[to];
      if (sz[g[idx][0]] < sz[to]) swap(g[idx][0], to);

  void dfs_hld(int idx, int p, int &times) {
    in[idx] = times++;
    rev[in[idx]] = idx;
    for (auto &to : g[idx]) {
      if (to == p) continue;
      head[to] = (g[idx][0] == to ? head[idx] : to);
      dfs_hld(to, idx, times);
    out[idx] = times;
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